they are as large as any girl's my age. That's not all, we measured just this morning. I've retained some water and my hips are one inch larger and my waist more pronounced because it's smaller. The doctor said that if I continue with the female hormones, my body will continue to be feminized until I'm practically a perfect female. This makes wearing dresses much easier. It's not as bad as you might expect."

I had trouble not laughing. He expected me to believe that his wife had put him on female hormones.

"Maybe I should too," I replied, trying not to laugh. Two could play at this 'terror' game. Maybe I could scare him. I couldn't wait until he told Donna that I was in this far enough to do anything...short of wearing that g-string.

Victor asked, "Maybe you would like to go with me to the doctor?"

“Great,” I said a little sarcastically, but I don't think he noticed. Then I added, "I can't wait to have tits!"

"I'm going next week," he said, "I'm just changing my hormone mix a little and you could go with me. The doctor, Dr. Johns and Donna agreed that it wouldn't hurt to increase my female hormone level. It will help accelerate the effects without harming me."

"Then why do it," I asked?

"You know how you ache after wearing tight panties for an hour or two? Well, the ache is even greater when wearing the DiVertTM. They say after a week or two on this new mix of estrogen, I'll hardly notice the tightness."

"Oh wonderful," I said sarcastically, "I bet you're smaller already?"

"Yeah, a little," He said proudly.

I was astonished. Here was my friend telling me that he wanted to be smaller so his panties would fit better. This was either a joke or my friend needed professional help.

Maybe I should go to the doctor with him, I thought. This 'doctor' was probably just a figment of Donna's imagination.

Tana agreed with me that we should 'call their bluff."

Before I knew it, we were in the doctor's office. The receptionist was one of the most beautiful girls I'd ever seen. Tall with dark shoulder length hair and a curved figure that did wonders for her crisp white uniform.

Victor caught me staring and whispered, "See what a few hormones will do. He's gorgeous, isn't he??"



My mouth dropped open. I stared at the shapely creature and tried to imagine what it would be like to look like that. Men, of course would flock like flies to breasts like that.

Victor and I both were wearing dresses, but this creature oozed femininity. I felt a little like 'plain Jane'.

"You want to have breasts and look like that?" I asked. With just a bit of hesitation he said, "I like being feminine...having a bosom makes me feel good."

This was all a great performance. Must have cost them a fortune...but it was all a hoax, Right?

We both sat looking extremely feminine sitting primly in our short summer dresses, nylons with lingerie underneath. Mine was mostly padding while Victor's cleavage was about a quarter him.

Victor was really becoming very pretty. He had found himself. His dreamy sapphire eyes, black lashes, pale clear skin, tilted nose and curly light hair all gave the impression of a girl who enjoyed being a girl. Everything was perfectly feminine from his thin wrist, with a tiny gold and pearl bracelet, to the way his tight skirt clung to his full hips.

OR... maybe this was all a 'scheme' and that was what they wanted me to think. Maybe Donna had dreamed this whole thing up to scare me out of the 'bet'. By thinking that Victor had 'flipped out' I'd stop trying to keep up and they would win. Tana had warned me about Donna and her devious ways.

This had to be a trick. I had to go along with what ever Victor did. That might make them think, I'd flipped out and they'd quit. This seemed like the only way out of this


Dr. Johns was younger than I expected. He probably was a friend of Donna's. He asked if I was there to start hormone therapy too. Victor rolled his eyes and drew his crimson lips into a pout, "My friend is afraid."

"There is nothing to be afraid of," the doctor said. He called in his receptionist. Like plastic surgeons who 'do' their staff, the receptionist was one of his creations. His creamy bosom heaved behind the deep veep of his white uniform dress. "Show them," the doctor said, adding, “He was completely flat chested at first."

The receptionist slowly, like a striptease, opened the top of his dress and unhooked the front clasp of his "C+" bra. I